4 01, 2021

Our Clients Inspire Us!


Our Clients Inspire Us! Our clients prove that with support and a connection to resources, those in crisis can regain control, pick up the pieces, and experience health, happiness and stability. Martha is a wonderful example. Martha contracted HIV from her husband and did not know it for many years. After the birth of their first child 15 years ago, Martha felt there was something wrong. The baby was lethargic and failing to thrive. At 3 years of age, the boy was tested for HIV and Martha received the devastating news that both she and her son were HIV+. Martha, her [...]

Our Clients Inspire Us!2021-01-04T17:12:20+00:00
30 12, 2020

Michael is a Phoenix


Michael is a Phoenix The Ancient Greeks told the tale of the Phoenix. A bird that falls and then is reborn from its ashes to rise again. Michael is a Phoenix. A child of alcoholic parents, preyed upon as a child, and unsurprisingly using drugs and alcohol by the age of 12. A childhood so traumatic that he was taken away from his parents and given to his uncle at the age of 14. An uncle who molested him on the very first night. Drugs, alcohol, sexual abuse and betrayed by those that should have been there to love and protect [...]

Michael is a Phoenix2021-01-04T17:13:24+00:00
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