Our Clients Inspire Us!
Our clients prove that with support and a connection to resources, those in crisis can regain control, pick up the pieces, and experience health, happiness and stability. Martha is a wonderful example.
Martha contracted HIV from her husband and did not know it for many years. After the birth of their first child 15 years ago, Martha felt there was something wrong. The baby was lethargic and failing to thrive. At 3 years of age, the boy was tested for HIV and Martha received the devastating news that both she and her son were HIV+. Martha, her son, and her husband all began treatment for HIV.
Martha’s marriage was in trouble also. Her husband’s drinking and his infidelities caused constant tension. Despite this, over the next ten years Martha worked at keeping the marriage together. The couple had two more children, both born healthy and HIV negative, but as her husband’s drinking worsened he became abusive and violent. Martha feared for her life.
With a teenager, a toddler and a newborn, Martha reached out to her Sunburst Projects Medical Case Manager late one night. Her husband had come home drunk and beat her up in front of the children and was now passed out on the couch. Martha was exhausted, battered, and overwhelmed. She had no money, no car and nowhere to go. She could no longer take the beatings.
Our team at Sunburst Projects immediately made temporary arrangements for Martha to stay in a safe environment. In the middle of the night, with nothing but two suitcases, Martha and her children escaped from her apartment with our Case Manager. Over the next two months, Martha and the children slept on the floor of a friend’s apartment while we searched for permanent housing.
An unfurnished two-bedroom apartment became available. Martha and her children moved in with only a few blankets and their clothing. Over the next week we were able to furnish Martha’s new apartment through donations from donors. First a sofa, then beds, a kitchen table and chairs, linens and towels. Our team stocked the kitchen with donations of food, plates, silverware, pots and pans. Our fundraiser received a donation of a laptop for Martha’s teenager. Toys and books were donated for the children. A tandem used stroller was donated so Martha could walk to the grocery store with her little ones. Slowly but surely the family began to heal physically and emotionally.